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SMC Library Assessment Plan

Policies outlining the library's commitment to providing resources, instruction, and support to enhance the information literacy skills of our users.

Information Literacy Assessment for General Education

An information literacy assessment for general education includes the following components:

  1. Searching for Information: Evaluate the student's ability to conduct effective searches for information, including identifying appropriate sources, selecting relevant search terms, and using advanced search strategies. This could be assessed through a research project or assignment.

  2. Evaluating Information: Evaluate the student's ability to critically evaluate information, including identifying bias, recognizing different perspectives, and evaluating the reliability and credibility of sources. This could be assessed through a written assignment or class discussion.

  3. Organizing Information: Evaluate the student's ability to organize and synthesize information, including creating outlines, mind maps, or concept maps to help structure information. This could be assessed through a group project or individual assignment.

  4. Citing Information: Evaluate the student's ability to cite sources correctly, using appropriate citation styles and avoiding plagiarism. This could be assessed through a written assignment or group project.

  5. Digital Citizenship: Evaluate the student's ability to use digital tools responsibly and ethically, including understanding issues related to copyright, intellectual property, and privacy. This could be assessed through a class discussion or written assignment.

Overall, the information literacy assessment for general education focuses on evaluating students' ability to find, evaluate, and use information effectively in various contexts, including academic research, professional settings, and everyday life. It also assesses the student's ability to use digital tools and technology responsibly and ethically.


Academic Resources: What Students Should Know