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Introduction to Sociology

Library Resources you may find helpful for SO 112.


Sociology is the scientific study of social behavior and social phenomena. This course guide provides students with an introduction and overview of scholarly resources and materials within the areas of administrative, counseling, and casework within social service.

Susie McClure Library Databases to Use

It is highly encouraged that you use materials encouraged by the Susie McClure Library to ensure that you are using scholarly and/or peer reviewed content to produce high quality assignments. If you have a question about how to navigate the databases below please feel free to e-mail Ms. Pridgen: to schedule a one-on-one session (virtual or in person). Below is a list of databases in the subjects of Psychology, Sociology, and The Humanities. Click the links to access the database you would like to search.


Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies

Access a range of periodical content to explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community.

Gale OneFile: Psychology

Find authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology.

Gale OneFile: Gender Studies

Discover balanced coverage of topics related to gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.

Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine

Find up-to-date information on a range of health care topics. Best for students, researchers, and health care professionals.

Director of Library Services

Profile Photo
Angel Pridgen, MLS, M.Ed., Ed.D
Susie McClure Library
American Baptist College
1800 Baptist World Center Drive, Nashville, TN 37207


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EBSCO Discovery Service (click the blue link)

Access thousands of free and reliable open access (OA) articles and more for your research.