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Homiletics, the art of preaching, studies both the composition and the delivery of religious discourses. It includes all forms of preaching including sermons, homilies and catechetical instruction.

Types of Homiletics

  1. Topical Homiletics: This approach focuses on a specific topic or theme, drawing relevant scriptures from different parts of the Bible. The preacher explores various passages that address the chosen theme, providing a comprehensive understanding.
  2. Expository Homiletics: Here, the emphasis is on a specific passage or text from the Bible. The preacher delves deep into the chosen scripture, explaining its historical context, linguistic nuances, and theological implications. The goal is to illuminate the meaning of the text for the congregation.

  3. Textual Homiletics: This method involves selecting a specific portion of scripture, usually a few verses or a short passage, and expounding upon it. The preacher examines the chosen text in detail, drawing out its lessons and applications for the audience.

  4. Biographical Homiletics: In this approach, the focus is on the lives of individuals presented in the Bible. The preacher explores the character, experiences, and lessons learned from the lives of biblical figures, using their stories as a foundation for delivering a meaningful message to the congregation.